Addiction Services for York Region - Newmarket
We are a non-profit agency that supports change in the lives of individuals, their families and communities related to substance use and gambling.

Addiction Services for York Region
1100 Gorham St #13
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 8Y8
Tel: 905 898-7023; 866 779-4555
Fax: 905 898-4518


The People We Serve
* We believe in their ability to make choices
* We honour their life experiences
* We respect their dignity, worth and resolve
* We recognize the impact of social inequities on the lives of individuals

* We value the input from the people we serve
* We believe in being accessible to our diverse community
* We value relationships with community partners
* We value the ongoing need to reach out to our community

* We believe all people have the right to services that are consistent and meaningful to them and sensitive to their social and lived experiences
* We offer a supportive environment that validates individualized needs
* We recognize that those persons from groups who have been historically disadvantaged by mainstream systems, structures and ideologies should have access to services
* We value advocacy for those who do not have access to services
* We value outreach to those who are denied service or are not identified

* We value our staff and trust in their ability
* We believe in a safe and supported work environment
* We value the integrity of the staff in their relationship with clients
* We value formal and experiential training
* We honour ongoing learning

* We value commitment to moral, ethical and transparent governance
* We value accountability and responsibility for public funds
* We value relationships with our funders
* We value continuous learning and development
* We strive for diverse representation on our board


We understand that substance abuse and problem gambling are the result of personal lifestyle issues and coping strategies. We also recognize the detrimental effects of addictions on the emotional, mental and physical health of individuals, their families and friends.

We promote a safe and supportive environment that supports diversity and is sensitive to culture, ethnicity, gender, age, abilities, religion and sexual orientation.

We consider our clients’ preferences, needs and circumstances while working with them and their support system to create a personalized counselling program.
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