ADAPT - Georgetown
ADAPT (Halton Alcohol, Drug and Prevention Treatment) is an out-patient addiction counselling agency dedicated to empowering persons with alcohol, drug or gambling concerns to manage these concerns and lead more fulfilling lives through the provision of comprehensive assessment and treatment services.
83 Mill St #202
Georgetown, Ontario L7G 3Z9
Tel: 905 873-2993; 877 517-2237
Fax: 905 873-2130
36A Armstrong Ave
Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4R9
Tel: 905 873-6502; 877 517-2237
Fax: 905 873-6195
ADAPT is dedicated to empowering persons with alcohol, drug or gambling concerns, and their families, to manage these concerns and lead more fulfilling lives through the provision of comprehensive assessment and treatment services, corresponding to need.
At ADAPT, the approach we take to helping our clients or family members make changes with respect to alcohol, drug or gambling issues is based on the best available knowledge and research. Our approach to treatment involves the use of a range of evidence based treatment modalities that conform to best practices. Although best practices are never static and evolve over time to reflect ongoing research, key components of our approach to treatment include the Stages of Change model, Motivational Interviewing and Harm Reduction. Our client centered treatment model focuses on individual strengths and needs and results in treatment plans tailored to individual circumstances. It is important to note that clients and families are actively involved in determining their own recovery and care.
At ADAPT we have developed a number of specialized programs to meet the needs of underserved populations and to fill gaps in service. This process involves working in an integrated way with a variety of service partners in the community. Inter-organizational collaboration of this type allows for program development that is accessible and relevant to the unique circumstances of our various service users.
The services that ADAPT offers reflect and are based upon the following core principles: Service should be accessible Service should be flexible Service should be comprehensive and responsive to the needs of individuals, families and communities Service delivery should involve, and be shaped by various community partnerships in an integrated manner ADAPT should be respectful of human dignity and rights ADAPT should be accountable to those it serves.
