Hamilton Health Sciences - Men's Withdrawal Management Centre
Services provided
The centre is a non-medical facility. Qualified staff monitor clients and refer to medical care as appropriate
Support, safety and care are offered through the acute stages of intoxication, withdrawal and crisis.
Nutritious meals, laundry facilities, and a warm comfortable environment are provided throughout. Clients participate in day-to-day activities and routines.
Various groups are provided to support clients in their decisions regarding addiction issues. 12 step groups are offered as a component of service.
Weekly groups include the “Roads to Recovery†program facilitated by our dedicated volunteers for clients and their significant others.
Comprehensive assessment and treatment planning are offered. The provincial standardized tools are implemented in this process.
Referrals can be made to a number of community agencies, including other addiction services, housing, mental health and other supportive organizations.
Phone support and information is available 24 hours for past, or potential clients, community service providers, stakeholders, and family and friends.
Hamilton Health Sciences
Men's Withdrawal Management Centre
595 Main St E
Hamilton, Ontario L8M 1J4
Tel: 905 527-9264
No doctor's referral necessary. Referrals may be made personally, or by any service or individual. Open 24 hours, seven days a week. Location: just east of Sanford Avenue South.
Patients Served
Men aged 16 years or older, who are intoxicated, in withdrawal, or are otherwise in crisis due to alcohol and/or drug use can stay at the centre. Clients must be conscious, ambulatory and medically stable upon admission.
The Men's Withdrawal Management Team
The team is made up of a Director, Manager, Program Coordinator, RPN’s and Withdrawal Management Counsellors who provide exemplary care to our community.
