Holmes House
Drug Treatment Centre Detoxification & Rehabilitation Service
Holmes House
394 West St
Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 1T9
Tel: 519 428-1911; 888 999-4966
Fax: 519 428-7756
Holmes House is located in Simcoe, Ontario, close to Norfolk General Hospital, the governing agency.
Holmes House offers withdrawal management services (detoxification) from alcohol and mood-altering chemicals in a residential setting. Support is offered 24-hours per day, year round.
A short-term (21-day) co-ed treatment program is also available for clients requiring a residential setting as well as clients who are able to commute daily to our facility.
Aftercare is available in two different locations for those who wish to stay connected following treatment.
Withdrawal Management Services
Holmes House provides residential withdrawal management for men and women over 16 years of ago on a voluntary basis. We accept people who are intoxicated, in withdrawal, or in crisis related to their use of alcohol or drugs. Assessment, referral and motivation towards positive lifestyle changes are available.
Holmes House is a non-medical facility. Medications to assist withdrawal are not provided, but our close proximity to the Norfolk General Hospital Emergency Department allows quick access to those in severe distress.
Professional staff are on duty 24/7 to monitor, evaluate and assist clients in need. 24-hour telephone support is also available to clients who wish to connect with our staff.
Individuals who are being tapered from prescription medication by their doctor are encouraged to utilize Holmes House services for support.
Treatment Services
Holmes House provides an open-ended, 21-day, structured program designed to involve clients in their recovery.
Counselling is provided in both individual and group settings. The primary focus areas are:
* Bio-psycho-social effects of chemical dependancy
* Developing self-esteem
* Anger assessment & coping skills
* Dealing with guilt & shame
* The impact of biases & prejudices
* Dealing with family violence
* Communication skills
* Public health issues
* Mental health & addiction issues
* Dealing with post-acute withdrawal
* 12-step support
* Basic pharmacology
* Proper nutrition
* Relapse prevention
For maximum exposure to all means of support and recovery, clients are required to attend three 12-step meetings per week during the program.
Prior to acceptance to the Holmes House program, a standardized assessment must be completed to determine client suitability.
Holmes House encourages graduates of their treatment program or graduates of other treatment programs, to engage in our 1-year aftercare program for continued support and assistance in their ongoing recovery.
To better serve alumni, our aftercare is provided in two locations:
1. at Holmes House on Wednesday evenings
2. in Brantford at the Brantford General Hospital on Thursday evenings.
Aftercare clients meet with a Holmes House rehab counsellor in a group setting where they can discuss their progress, difficulties and all issues relevant to continued success.
Information Sessions
Information sessions are held each Tuesday evening at Holmes House. These sessions are conducted by a rehab counsellor to explain our services to all clients interested in treatment or post-withdrawal management service assistance.
Family Program
Holmes House offers educational support sessions to individuals, couples or families of those experiencing problems with alcohol/substance use.
These sessions are conducted on three consecutive Monday evenings.
Holmes House services are funded by the Ministry of Health
